Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
For my peeps with lots of projects on the go

For my peeps with lots of projects on the go

Two ways to release yourself from the pressure cooker of achievement


For all my loves who like to keep their hands in many pots, find it hard to focus on just one thing, and are familiar with that low-level anxiety that everything should be done yesterday and cooking so much FASTER than it is!

(Not you, but know someone like this? This might be for them. Spread the love!)


I see you. I’m with you. I am you.

And this winter I tried on a new look. Just focused on ONE thing for a short period of time. Just to see.

(OK that’s kind of a lie, I kept doing more than one thing.)

BUT I did find that by trimming down the SIZE of what I was trying to do (less pots to stir all at once), I was able to settle into a pace that actually feels like I’ve sped up.

Except I haven’t. I’ve slowed down.

Tune in (Press Play where it says ‘Listen’ above) to hear more about settling into the size, pace and timing that works for YOU and only YOU, and take the edge off that sense of urgency that puts you in a pressure cooker.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, musings. I’ll take them on my next walk with me and leave ya’ll another love note! Hit reply and let me know, or leave a comment below.

Lots of Love,


PS: Next Friday is our monthly community gathering. Come join us, especially if you want to connect with others who are committed to finding their way out of the pressure cooker as they grow into their own unique shape. We practice listening to our bodies to find the answers within, while learning from and supporting each other. Come try it out. Friday, April 7th at 4pm UK, 11am NY, 8am Pacific. Join in when you become a Paid Subscriber (your first month is free on me!).

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Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
For creatives, leaders, artists, lovers, healers, humans tired of playing by the rules. Who know that Love wants to play outside the bounds we put it in. Stories, music, coaching to stir the pot of your own badassery.
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