Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
Start here to get clear on who you are and what you do

Start here to get clear on who you are and what you do

Especially if you’ve ever struggled with body image… you might need to untangle yourself from ‘business image’

Ola! Bom dia! Hi from Portugal!

We’re shacking up in the Algarve for a couple of weeks pet-sitting for three loving pups.

Travel is in my blood. Living in different cultures feeds my soul. Waking up to a cool breeze before baking in the afternoon sun is what gets me out of bed in the morning. The Mediterranean is where I feel most home.

Why am I telling you?

No reason. Other than being clear on who you are, what you love, and what you do is a gift that no one can take away from you.

And yet it happens.

The pressure to live your life, run your business, love who you love, and play by someone else’s rules... It’s the mold to break free from.

That’s what today’s podcast episode is about. Another conversation with you while out walking that covers…

  • the ‘trying and hiding’ dance that keeps you trying to keep up with everyone else and hiding who you truly are

  • how this can show up in your relationship with your body (where I first bumped into it)

  • how it can show up in your business or career life

  • what the ‘trying’ and hiding’ has to do with your nervous system keeping you safe from what feels dangerous and threatening

  • how your body can help you unwind all that

  • the first place to start (it’s probably not what you think!!)

  • Oh, and a discount code in case you want to use to travel around pet-sitting too: RAF611526

Go ahead and share with someone you know would love this.


I’m also excited to share some incoming clarity around what I do! At least for the coming season, in the context of business and coaching.

If you’ve known me for awhile you might know me as a coach. You might also know that I’ve dipped in and out of this over the last 10 years while also starting up a fish farm with my husband.

I get joy from both the intimate conversations with clients that help them hear their own inner wisdom, and the strategic people and operational leadership that I bring to teams and organizations.

For awhile I felt pulled in two different directions. It felt like I was jumping between two different worlds… one very heart centered, and one very much in my head.

The missing link? My body.

It’s been 6 years of allowing my body to guide. It’s taken me on a meandering wild ride, closing the gap between the two.

And now I can say with a full heart and a clear mind, I’m here to here to help get your business or creative project off the ground without stressing out or burning out, with your body as your compass and guide.

In addition to somatic coaching that lets you tune into your inner wisdom by listening to your body, I also offer a suite of business consulting services.

I work best with start-ups and SME’s that are going through a growth phase and need

  • structure so things don’t fall through the cracks,

  • a body-wise strategy so there’s no crash and burn,

  • people and team development so that the Founders/CEO can focus on their creative sweet spot, and

  • clarity in their messaging so stakeholders know why they should invest or buy.

This is stuff I’ve been doing ‘off-line’ and behind the scenes the whole time. It’s stuff that I come alive in. It’s also where I’ve let myself hide.

But in the spirit of today’s podcast, no more trying, no more hiding. Say it like it is. That’s me.

So what about you? What’s something you know about who you are, something that you love to do, that you’ve been keeping on the down low?

I wanna know! Send me a note or leave a comment below.

With Love,


PS This Friday is our May community gathering for paid subscribers. Come join us if you want a place to practice letting your body be your guide, for your business or otherwise.

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Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
For creatives, leaders, artists, lovers, healers, humans tired of playing by the rules. Who know that Love wants to play outside the bounds we put it in. Stories, music, coaching to stir the pot of your own badassery.
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