Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
Feeling stuck in your leadership, life, or creative expression?

Feeling stuck in your leadership, life, or creative expression?

Your body might be the missing link

Hey guys,

This week’s musings are for you if you’re feeling stuck in your career, life, leadership, or creative expression.

This might feel like frustration, cuz one part of you knows you’ve got more to give, more impact to make, but day to day, all you can let out is one small drip at a time.

It might feel like tension in your body, like something is being squeezed, and even if you’re moving your body, the tension doesn’t go away.

It might feel like you’re over ‘here’, you want to be over ‘there’, and in the middle is the thing that’s keeping you stuck.

You might wish you had that superhero power where you can just poof! Hop, skip, jump, fly over to the other side.

I get it. I wish I had that magic wand too.

Check out this voice note though.

From where I’m standing, your magic wand superpower isn’t about jumping over the hurdle. It’s about getting to know that hurdle so intimately you can taste it, touch it, smell it.

So intimately, there’s no need to jump over.

So intimately you want to hang out with the hurdle, because you realize, ‘Oh! This is where it’s at.’ The richness of life. The badassery of going into the dark and unknown, even without a light.

Yes, I am talking about getting to know the landscape of your body. The part of you that might feel so unknown, ‘going there’ is like opening a Pandora’s box, and so thinking your ‘to the other side’ feels a lot more safe.

It’s also the missing link. Holding the key to unlock your emotions, get you off the hamster wheel, and ‘unstuck’ you in your life.

Tune in (press ‘Listen’ above) to learn more. I share a recent experience of mine, where I slowed down enough to feel some pretty intense sensations in my body instead of numbing or running away from them, and the liberation it brought.

There’s also a practical tool you can use to learn the language of your body so you can start to have a conversation and listen to what it’s saying.

If after listening you’re intrigued, and want to take this further, there’s a couple options for you.

  1. Community: Join your fellow badass humans practicing listening to what their body has to say as we navigate the day-to-day of life. We meet monthly for an on-line gathering. It’s £10.28 p/m to join. Become a Paid Subscriber to get access now and join us tomorrow, Friday April 7th, for our April call. (Your first month is free, so you can sign-up, try it out, and then decide if it’s for you.)

  2. Coaching: Become a master at listening to your body and working with your body’s signals and rhythms. There’s options to personalize this work to you, your nervous system, and your bank account’s size, pace, and timing for growth. You can opt for single one-off sessions, or enroll in a multi-month focused coaching program that we create together. Because this work is here to grow your capacity without breaking you or your bank, sliding scale pricing is available, ranging between £111 and £222 per session. Contact me or schedule a call to see what’s right for you.

    Book a Call now

PS… In the voice note I promised another tool to deepen your understanding or the language of your body. I thought it was done. It’s not yet! Stay tuned. I’ll let you know when it’s ready for you!

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Love out of Bounds Community
Love out of Bounds Community Podcast
For creatives, leaders, artists, lovers, healers, humans tired of playing by the rules. Who know that Love wants to play outside the bounds we put it in. Stories, music, coaching to stir the pot of your own badassery.
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